Keith Everett

Leila Hormozi, Drugs, Drink, 6 Arrests and $100 Million Dollars

How To Program Yourself For Success, Even When Your World Is Falling Apart

It is often said that negativity is a bad thing, I say this all the time, however in some cases it can actually be good. Negativity, in itself doesn’t attract good things, only positivity will do that, however negativity can actually be used as a driving force to springboard you from where you are to where you want to be.

How is this possible?

For the best part, when you are down on your luck you are either learning or just repeating the same old patterns, if you repeat any pattern long enough it becomes a program and once you are programmed you are a slave to your personality. your personal reality creates your personality.

The Leila Hormozi story is very interesting, she was a constant thorn in side of the Police as a young woman, usually because of drink and drugs. However, her father saw something in her and literally told her that if she carried on with this way of life, she would probably die, and very soon.

This negative influence topped off with some advice about “knowing she could do better”seemed to have worked on Leila and instead of falling into a pit of doom and gloom and blaming it all on the world she decided to show the world what she can do and BOY, did she do it…

$100 Million dollars at 29yrs of age…

Watch the video above for her insights and story…

Have a great day


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