Keith Everett

The Crazy Story Of The Teenage Sisters Earning $20 Million Dollars A Year

You might think that becoming a millionaire is purely for people who inherit it from mum or dad or for people who are older and more experienced. WRONG!.

The truth is, millionaire status has no age limit. This is the story of 10 & 11yr old teenage sisters Isabel and Caroline Bercaw who started their multi-million dollar business off by cooking “Bath Bombs” in their kitchen.


It all started when they themselves used bath bombs and thought “how boring”. Basically old style bath bombs just fizz in the bath then simply “fizzle out.. Now what’s the fun in that? and why call it a BATH BOMB, if really all it was was a damp squib?

In 2012, they started to cook their own, mixing baking soda, citric acid and fragrance oils together with bonus surprises in the middle. The company was named Da Bomb Bath Fizzers, and BOOM, the girls were off and running.

They started by packing the product into attractive modern wrappers and presenting them in beautiful boxes. They sold their product at flea markets (boot fairs) and anywhere they could get a cheap priced stand to sell from.

Wholesaling Your Way To $20 Million Per Year

A wholesaler at one of the fairs they were selling at advised them to wholesale the product to other retail outlets, and as they were too young to drive, they persuaded their dad to hire a U-Haul truck to take their product to Trade Fairs such as the Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market, which brings buyers as small as mom-and-pop and as big as Target, to discover new goodies for their shelves. 

They entered the show with a total of 40 retail clients and left with a total of 80, including Target who now stock “Da Bomb” in all 1938 stores in the USA. This simple home business now employs over 200 people, including family members.

Since 2018, the sisters have been earning no less than $20 Million dollars per year from their kitchen table start-up. (even during the pandemic).

This goes to show you that if you have the ambition to succeed, there are no barriers to entry. The sisters didn’t re-invent the wheel, they simply took an everyday product and improved on it. What could you improve on and make a few million dollars in the process?

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Have a great day


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