Keith Everett
how to make money from home

How To Make Money From Home As a Gig Broker

How to make money from home using Fiverr and Upwork. first of all, what are Fiverr and Upwork?.

These are two platforms where you simply advertise your skills. Now, when I say skills, I use the term loosely here. Although there are some highly skilled people on both platforms, to be a gig broker, you do not need to be skilled in any of the gigs you are about to offer.

For example, you can get a background removed from an image for around $5 on Fiverr. This can be done easily for free using certain software. Other gigs on fiver include getting traffic to your website or YouTube channel, creating book covers, making video intros etc.

On Upwork, the price you pay for gigs is generally more than Fiverr. Fiverr does has a lot of higher-priced gigs available from the better-rated sellers, but Upwork has a clientele who generally expect to pay a little bit more.

How To Make Money From Home

Some people will have a problem with what I’m about to say but it’s perfectly legal and is really only what you would do normally if you were selling physical products. When you sell a physical product, you buy wholesale and then sell at a higher price (retail). The difference is your gross profit.

This is exactly what you do with the Fiverr/Upwork shuffle. But this time you are doing it with a work gig.

Note. I have had professional book covers made by people costing hundreds of dollars only to find mistakes on them that someone on Fiverr has fixed for $10. Don’t let the price fool you, there are some very highly skilled people on Fiverr. It’s just the nature of the platform to charge less.

I had a beautiful website created on Fiverr for $100. This could have easily cost five times more on Upwork.

How To Make Money From Home – No Skills Required

Step 1. You join both Fiverr and Upwork as a seller.

Step 2. Decide on a gig that you would be happy to offer people. This doesn’t mean that you have to be skilled at it. Just make sure it is something that you know enough about to be able to offer good support for your customer. You won’t be doing the actual work yourself.

Step 3. Let’s say you are going to offer a book cover design service. This should keep you busy as people want good book covers all year round. Find a good level 1 or level 2 seller on fiverr. Take a good look at their designs and their terms of service.

  1. Make sure they offer several revisions
  2. Make sure they deliver in a reasonable amount of time.
  3. Make sure they are receptive and answer messages fairly quickly
  4. Order a sample for $10 or whatever they charge just to put your own mind at rest that they are offering a good service.

Step 4. Advertise the gig on Upwork. Let’s say a good book cover on Fiverr is $25. This is your wholesale price. The retail price on Upwork will be $75. Some people charge a lot more than this, even hundreds of dollars for a good book cover. But, we are new and we are not greedy.

How To Make Money From Home – The Long and The Short Of It

Before a client buys from you, they may want to see some samples. Every Fiverr seller has samples showing on their gig. Show them these. If the buyer on Upwork likes the designs and agrees to the project, take all the details of the cover that they want to be designed.

You will need the title, the subtitle, the colours that they like, the sizes, the number of pages in their book, the possible picture design that they like. Get all the details and pass those on to your Fiverr designer.

Once your Fiverr designer has finished the gig from your specifications, he will send you a watermarked copy to view. This is where you are going to have to be a little bit resourceful as you do not want to show your customer a book design with “Fiverr” watermarked all over it.

How To Make Money From Home

Step 1. Arrange with your Fiverr seller to give you a non watermarked copy via Fiverr messenger. Buy a gig from him first but don’t take delivery. Tell him you are putting one gig on hold with him as a deposit. This way, he will trust you with one gig.

Step 2. Send a screenshot of the unwatermarked design to your Upwork buyer. If he is happy, then you simply deliver the design and you get paid. If he wants a revision, ask him what he wants changing and relay that information back to your Fiverr seller.

Once the client is happy. The client releases the money to Upwork and Upwork will pay you, less their fees. Allow for a 20% deduction from Upwork.

If you have charged the client $75, you will receive around £60. This is still not bad as you only have to pay $25 to your Fiverr seller. This leaves you $35 profit for just sending a few emails. Not bad.

Try it. Start with something simple like a book cover and build your business up. You are literally buying low and selling high. This is a form of Arbitrage. It does work. You do have to get a bit creative here and there though and it’s not for everyone.

Saying that. It’s fairly simple, doesn’t really require much in starting capital and can make you good money over time.

If you liked this idea why not leave a comment below. Let me know if you tried this. Also, please do feel free to share this post. It might help someone out.

Have a great day


P.S If you are looking to totally change your life for the better and to create freedom for you and your family, this book could help you. Check it out on Amazon

