Money. We crave it like it was Oxygen. We spend it like it was water..
Before I started to write this post, my research led me to a ton of similar posts on the Internet offering many ways to get rich. Amongst these posts were ideas such as saving money by NOT buying your coffee at the local Starbucks.

You could even save money by bringing in your own lunch each day instead of investing your health into McDonald’s or Pizza Hut. My take on this is that these ideas will NEVER make you rich.. they will only make you a tad slimmer and possibly you will be able to save enough shekels to eventually be rich when you’re DEAD!.
So, come on then. What’s the solution?
The solution to becoming rich is to first of all stop fooling yourself. YES, any sane person can become rich but most WON’T. Why?
You don’t get rich thinking about it, reading books, blog posts or attending webinars. All this is fine for the initial ideas but it doesn’t take months or years to learn how to make money. It takes ACTION.
Thinking continuously about making money only leads to frustration. Set a time limit, create a plan, get started.
OK, let’s quickly look at the ways you can get money.
- Earn it by working a job
- Be a freelancer and physically do the work
- Steal it
- Win It
- Inherit it
- Marry it
- Start a business and make it.
There may be other ways to make money out there, but these are the most common.
1. You can earn it in a job, however, your boss will always pay you less than you actually make him or her, as the business has to make a profit. You will only ever be paid the market rate for the work you do.
2. Be a freelancer and physically do the work. This is slightly better than working a job, however, you will need to get your own work and you are limited by how many hours are in the day.
3. Steal it. I wouldn’t advise this. Most thieves get caught and end up in jail eventually.
4. Win it. The lottery is often a person’s only financial plan. The odds are stacked too heavily against you to make this a worthwhile strategy. SIDENOTE: A very few people can and do make a living through gambling professionally.
5. Inherit it. This can actually do more harm than good. Easy money tends not to stick around for long. It can cause family arguments and breakups.
6. Marry It. This can be a sensible strategy, however, marrying solely for money is not exactly a winning strategy.
7. Start a business. This is by far the best strategy. Although people see this as a risky strategy (around a 20/1 chance). It’s probably the least risky overall providing it is done correctly. I believe creating a business is one of the greatest forces for personal growth and change there is on this planet.
5 Ways To Get STINKING Rich
I promised you 5 ways and 5 ways you shall have. For other ways to get rich click here to get my latest book “Millionaire Mind Crush”
Print On Demand
NO 1. Print on Demand – Many people are looking to start an online business but are not great at writing and creating their own Digital products. I totally get this. This applies to a large swathe of business opportunity seekers.
Print on Demand is a business that works and works well for 2021 and beyond. It isn’t new, but many people are creating successful businesses using this model. You create the designs (you can get these done on Fiverr or Upwork) and you then contact the POD printer to print them on Mugs, T.Shirts, phone cases etc, etc.
There are no limits to the reach or the amount of money you can make in this business. You need to get good at getting those designs created and also getting customers. You can sell on Etsy, or any of a multitude of other platforms including your own Shopify store.
Start-up costs are relatively low but the returns can be very high.
Network Marketing
NO 2. Network Marketing – For the uninitiated, this is often referred to as a scam or a pyramid scheme. It is neither. Good network marketing companies have been a part of our way of life since Amay started in 1959.
Network marketing is a marketing vehicle that is attached to a company. Whether it’s good or bad depends on the company’s integrity and the quality of the products, not the actual network marketing itself.
Similar to Network Marketing is Multi-Level Marketing. Also known as MLM, this pays commissions out to you and your downline on multiple levels, not just one.
The network marketing business model usually starts with you buying a product, a suite of products or a service on subscription. A percentage of that payment is then earned by the person who introduced you.
The more people you introduce, the more sales volume you create and the more money you can make. Saying that, you do have to motivate your team (referred to as your downline). The attrition rate (drop out rate), is quite high and you do have to be continually recruiting and motivating.
There are many people earning high incomes in network marketing. There are also a lot of people who earn nothing and quit after a few weeks.
Product Creation
No 3. Product Creation – This is probably one of the best business models there is if applied to digital products. Why?
Digital products are high in demand, they give instant gratification and the vendor only has to create them once, but can sell each product endlessly. This is the nearest you can get to being amongst the high earners in the music or film industry for instance who produce something once and earn money from it forevermore.
This is my favourite business.
You can create digital books and courses in a myriad of subjects. People will always have problems, your job is to solve them. People will pay you to remove that problem from their life. Think of every product you create as a piece of digital real estate. You can earn from this property forevermore if you are good at marketing them.
There is very little downside to creating digital products. Your initial start-up costs are low. You will have to get good at marketing to get eyeballs on your sales pages.
With all online businesses, 90% of it is marketing.
This business is pretty simple. If you can write a blog post, the chances are you can write a book. A 30,000-word book is approximately the length of 30 reasonably long blog posts. There is a formula to writing a book. I cover this here.
I would suggest if your aim is to make money, start with nonfiction. There are many ways to find profitable topics to write about.
Why non-fiction?. If you are writing fiction, you are storytelling, it can take a while to get recognized as a serious author, whereas with nonfiction, you are really setting yourself up as the answer to people’s problems, your books are the itch to their scratch. Even if you love telling stories, from a business perspective I would go for nonfiction to start with.
You start off by publishing an eBook. You then create a paperback and/or hardback from this and you also send your manuscript over to Audible to get it narrated and converted into an audiobook.
You don’t have to stick with KDP (Amazon) but it is the largest online book retailer out there so it’s worthwhile having some, if not all of your books on there.
Gig Broker.
This is probably the lowest cost business to start online apart from affiliate marketing. (I won’t cover affiliate marketing here as I’m limiting it to 5 ways. However, affiliate marketing is a very good way to make money online.
Gig Brokers, are people who sell a service and then outsource the work. For this, you would need a buyer account on Fiverr and a seller account on Upwork. Once you have established a high-quality seller on Fiverr you can advertise that service at a premium on Upwork.
For a complete plan on how to do this, go here.
So there you have it. Being rich means different things to different people, but all of the above businesses can make you extraordinary incomes.
My book Money Mind Crush has several ways to escalate your current business to higher heights. Making 6 or 7 figures isn’t hard once you know how.
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