Keith Everett
carry on blogging

Carry On Blogging

Blogging, keep carrying on. For those of you who remember the classic “Carry On” films that appeared between 1958-1978 in the UK, they were the movie version of the saucy seaside postcard.

Described as “bawdy” comedies. Sid James, Hattie Jaques, Barbara Windsor, Kenneth Williams Etc were featured in many of the 30 films made. This is very significant when it comes to blogging as although each Carry-On film was different, the theme was pretty constant.

They were funny, bawdy, and they appeared regularly.

This is actually what makes blogging work. When you are creating a blog, aim to be consistent and constantly in your target audience’s face. You often hear bloggers complaining about not getting enough traffic, this is a major problem for bloggers but one you can easily overcome if you use Social Media. There are vast swathes of people on social media looking for good, interesting, and fun content.

Blogging For Money

Some bloggers do very well, however, the majority of bloggers who attempt to make money, either don’t make much, or they don’t make anything at all.

Why is this?

It is usually a lack of consistency, and the inability to get enough eyeballs on their blog. Of course, you will hear nothing but crickets on your blog at first. People need to warm up to your content. You have to get out there and grab the audience.

Blogging in itself can actually be a smart business to get into, many people use it to draw attention to their main business. This is a sensible strategy, as competition for any online product or service can be fierce. Who would you rather buy from, a company that never speaks to their customers except when they ask them for money or a company that actually takes time out to get to know their customers?

Maybe you love to travel. Why not start a travel blog and link to some travel products you can sell as an affiliate?. You could even join a travel program and sell memberships. Or, design your own travel products to sell.

By blogging, you are keeping people up to date with what is going on in both your life, and your business’s life. When people deal with a business, they now expect a personal touch, and many big corporations employ social Media managers to keep customers updated with what their business is doing.

Speak to your audience. They don’t bite..

Blogging As A Business

The world has changed. Since the internet arrived, many people no longer go out the door to go to work, they work from home, online. Blogging can play a big part in your online business, whether your blog is designed to draw attention to your products, or you decide to sell other people’s products, the blog can generate a good consistent income.

Those old Carry On films were loved by the British public because they loved the characters that appeared in them, they loved the fact that they were funny and that they appeared regularly. We still get repeats today on TV some 60 years later. If you can do the same with your blog, you’re on to a winner.

Blogging takes time to build an audience. Many bloggers give up before their blog starts to get going on Google. Google loves a trier. They don’t like content creators who deliver shoddy content. They also don’t like inconsistency. Blog good content regularly. Give your blog a chance to pick up regular readers. Use relevant keywords in your title and your posts so people can find you on the search engines. Use your Social Media accounts to add your blog posts.

It’s free advertising..

I use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest as my main Social Media channels for blogging. If you create videos, link them to your blog. The aim is to get as many targeted people to your blog as possible.

I use my blog to give people information to help them get inspired and also to grow their online business. It also helps me as I point them in the direction of my books. Whatever you sell, you can increase your sales and following by using a blog.

Carry on blogging.

Have a great day


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