Are you starting the New Year with a thud or a whisper?
It’s that time of year when everyone wishes everyone a “Happy New Year” and most of us tend to approach the end of the old year, and the start of the New Year with hope and enthusiasm. Maybe, this New Year will be your best ever…
When we say to others “Your best year ever” do we stop and think how that is going to happen, or is it just an obscure wish, we wish for others, but would like it to happen to us too?.
The thing is, a proper plan will always win over a wish or just hope. If we truly want to make 2023 our best year ever, we need more than just lip-service to do it. So, how do we do that?
Planning To Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever
Step 1. First of all, for 2023 to be your best year ever. What would that look like? What goals would you need to achieve to be able to label it “Your best year ever”?. You can’t aim at something you can’t see, so if you want the best year ever but you don’t know how, surely it’s just a wish.
What are your goals for 2023?. be specific. Take time to do this, write them down.
Step 2. List your goals in order of importance. This will give you a realistic plan on how much time you should spend on each goal.
Step 3. Make the goals realistic. Making a million dollars in the next year may not be realistic for you if you currently only have a job earning $20 an hour. However, making an extra $10,000 next year may be more doable as it’s only an extra $200 a week.
Don’t be afraid to grow slowly. Forget all the #BS about getting rich quick.
Step 4. Create a To-Do list. NO, this is not a goal list. This is a list on how you intend to start and complete each goal. Just creating a list of goals won’t get them done, create a list on how you intend to do them.
Step 5. Create your week of things to do on a Sunday. Create your day of things to do, the night before. In other words, break your tasks down into bite-size chunks. Plan for the week on Sunday, and plan each day the night before.
Step 6. List your achievements of last year and of as many previous years you can. Obviously only list notable achievements. This is so you can compare your progress this year. The idea of making 2023 your best year ever is to make your achievements better than last year and better than any year prior to that.
After all, if it’s going to be your best year ever, it’s got to be pretty damn good. Right?
Step 7. Get productive. If you didn’t achieve your goals last year, ask yourself why. Whatever it is you are doing, you will need to step-up a gear if you want this year to be your best ever. You won’t do this using the same energy as last year. Tony Robbins once said “most people only use around 10% of their brain power. Think what you could do if you just changed the way you think another 10%?.
Ramp up your effort this year. Don’t leave it right to the end of the year and wish this year could have been better. Think, Create it, then DO it.
We can all do more. Switch off the TV for an hour or two each evening. The TV won’t make you rich but it can certainly keep you poor. For things to change, you have to change. Let’s move forward and boss 2023. Only 364 days to go to the next new year…. and counting.
Have a great day.
P.S People who liked this post also liked this one. “My 8 Step Formula For Living An Amazing Life“
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