No War has ever stopped the World, but the great Pandemic of 2020 came very close to doing just that. Hospitals became overloaded with victims, some living, some not.
It wasn’t the year we were expecting. In fact no one could have predicted the chaos and loss of life that would follow, this time it wasn’t the guns of a Military attack, this was an invisible enemy.
Christmas 2020 will be a time of great reflection, but many will be left to reflect alone, some relatives and friends will be gone forever, victims of the silent assassin.
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Maybe we should be thankful for the lessons of 2020. The cream rose to the top – we always knew how important Doctors, Nurses and Care Workers were but maybe we just took them a little bit for granted.
Our Health Workers became the new soldiers. The frontline stepped up to the plate and kept things under control. Although we still had panic buyers and party goers trying to destabilise that control.
2020, was the year of the Face Mask, Social Distancing, the Anti Vaxers and Conspiracy Theorists, It was also the year most of us realised just how precious and fleeting life really is.
Many people lost their jobs, many people lost their businesses and their hope went with it. But, it will come back. The World will rebuild, the World will be wiser.
Our voices can be there to give hope each day or they can be there to complain and destroy. We have a choice, be a complainer or be a pillar of strength.
2020 was the year that every person in every job became more important. The Army of frontline workers grew from Doctors, Nursing Staff, Care Workers, Police and Fire Service to Truck drivers, Supermarket & Shop staff, Bus Drivers, Servers and Cleaners etc..
We should be thankful, not just for seeing Christmas at all in this very tough year, but remembering people all around the World who never see a normal Christmas. People who have nothing, no food, no help, no medical care – People who are imprisoned, people who fight for their country. Staring down the barrel of a gun is no way to celebrate Christmas.
Wishing you all a great Christmas and a Prosperous New Year… 2021 will be the year of the great reset. New thinking, new priorities, new hope.
P.S If you liked this post please share and leave a comment below. Let me know your thoughts about this year.
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Stay safe‼️
Thank you Kitty.. you too.