Keith Everett

What’s Love Got To Do With It? Why Success Is Really An Inside Job

I remember back in my senior school days, I was bullied mercilessly by a gang of guys who clearly only came to school to intimidate people and pass the time. We all got up to a few tricks at school but these guys were merciless and violent.

Personally I’ve always hated violence, it’s people who out of control.

One day in my leaving year I had had enough as the leader of the gang decided to try and pull my ear off, this was the final straw and it was the beginning of the new me. I hit this guy so hard in the face I nearly broke his nose.

For a guy who hated violence I really don’t know where this came from, call it frustration or even stupidity, but it worked, that was the end of the bullying. I got into trouble with the head teacher but I talked my way out of it.

Bullies are cowards, they usually need others to give them the self-esteem required to commit mayhem, but deep down , they are hurt people trying to feel significant by making others feel insignificant. and they will, if you let them.

Why am I telling you this?.

Because you can change anything if you are no longer prepared to put up with it. anything at all. Yes, it takes a bit of courage but you have a lot of it inside, it often just takes the right momoent to let it out. It’s all about how you see yourself, how you feel about yourself and how you allow that to be projected …. here’s why.

There is a direct link between how you feel about yourself and how you far you go in life, it will affect how happy you are because happiness comes from within, it affects what you earn, how your relationships turn out and whether your business thrives or dives. In other words, we don’t reflect society, society reflect us.

Think about that for a moment.

So, what’s the answer?. well, if you listen to all the Internet gurus out there, all you have to do is think positive and you’ll be OK. This is not true. It takes a little more than that. Here is my list of steps that WILL improve your self-esteem over time.

Step 1. Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a lie and the truth.

This Subconscious mind is very different from your thinking mind, your subconscious is your deep mind, it remembers everything that you have done, seen, smelled and thought. It knows you better than you know you. It keeps your blood pumping, your heart beating and other bodily functions working, it is also referred to as your autonomic nervous system.

It believes what you feed it but will default to low risk safe programs to protect you. You have to start believing things before you know them to be true in order to let the subconscious re-program you. Yes, we are telling ourselves a white lie, but after many repetitions of this, it ceases to become a lie, it becomes our normal behaviour.

I’m not going to give you affirmations to feed your subconscious here, there are plenty of qualified people on the internet who can do this, also I don’t know where your self-esteem levels are. But, rather than tell someone to think positive (like most personal development teachers do), you need to ingrain positivity into the subconscious. It has to become part of your daily life.

Step 2. How I raise my self-esteem.

I remember reading my first self-development book back when I was in my teens. I started to get a taste of how and why it’s better to have a positive attitude. After all, can you honestly tell me any advantages to being negative?

I simply work on my mind every day. I stay away from negative TV programmes. This programming instills fear into people. The TV news highlights what’s wrong in the world and rarely mentions what’s right. TV programmes and films are full of murder, death, gun crime etc, etc.

I read positive books, I listen to positive podcasts for free on YouTube. I speak with positive people on Facebook and block any moaners. I m constantly working on new things and I always look forward. By expecting good things to happen, i’m rarely disappointed.

If you are always thinking how bad your luck is, how terrible the world is, how rude people are, you’ll be rarely disappointed as your subconscious will make sure that you get plenty of it. Remember, it doesn’t know what is true or false, it only knows how you feel and how you are thinking, it does its best to point you in the direction of more of the same.

Step 3. The End Game

There is no difference between you and that person who earns a hundred times more than you, except in the way you think. Millionaires tend to be people who did most of their schooling, outside of school. They think differently to become different. They don’t bitch and moan at their life, they get on and change it.

Raise your game, raise your self esteem. Nothing changes until you are prepared to, it’s all out there for you, you just have to change the way you think and feel about you. If how you think hasn’t uplifted your life so far, don’t you think it’s time to change. Don’t change is won’t change, it’s not that you can’t, you clearly can as people do it every day, and YES, people in worse circumstances than you.

Don’t put up with it. Nothing will ever change. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change. Start by wanting to, next figure out where you want to get too, then work out a plan to get there.

Have a great day,

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