Keith Everett
Multiple Streams Of Income

Risking It All For A Job: Why Multiple Streams Of Income Can Tame The Strain Of Living BROKE

You think you want a house, and you do, but really, you want the money for that house. It’s not that we’re coming up short on the car, the house, the vacations etc, it’s the money where we come up short.

There is an ever widening gab between what we want and how much money we have, and it will only get worse unless we change our mindset about money. Let’s be honest, life isn’t getting any cheaper, it’s certainly racing ahead of most of our incomes. The key isn’t to send everyone in the family out to do two jobs, the key is to create multiple income streams from within the house.

Just because one job for the head of a family back in 1955 made sense, it doesn’t mean it makes sense today in 2024/2025. One job per household doesn’t cut it anymore. We want more, households have multiple cars, holidays, Amazon accounts etc, etc, we seem to require more to make us happy. Let’s pause for a second. It’s not so much about the things we want, it’s more about the money we lack.

Also, what happens if you’re unable to work. Money stops when we stop work. Working for the man (or the woman) might seem a good idea at first as it offers a level of security, but often that security can get interrupted. Illness, redundancy, boring work, unhealthy work, etc, etc.

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness clearly didn’t have any.

The conundrum many of us face is we tell ourselves that we have no time at all to start a side hustle, but we have time to work two jobs, or overtime in one job. Of course people come home from their job tired, after a meal they switch on the TV until it’s time to go to bed, then they do it all over again the next day until they finally get two days off at the end of the week.

Working smart is better than working hard. Yes, hard work pays off, but in a job hard work tends to just give you more work, years of tiredness, maybe a slight raise every now and again and a government or company pension at the end of it all which is not really worth a lot. Create your own pension why you’re still working and enjoy it while you are living a healthy life, multiple streams of income can run alongside any job, until your multiple income streams then outweigh your job income, then you can really start to buy back time and live a lot..

Job = Live a little, work a lot.

Multiple Income sources = Live a lot, work a little.

Why not create more time for family. More time for vacations, more time to live. Going to a job for 40 or 50 years in a life of just 70+ years you have is not really living, is it? Yes, you have to pay bills but that’s not all we’re in this life for, surely?.All you’re doing is building someone else’s dream (your boss).

Build Your Own Dream

There are countless posts within this blog on different income streams that you can create. This post is about why you should. However if you click on any of the links below, you’ll get some great information on how to increase your income from home.

5 Ways To Get Stinking Rich

How To Make Money With AI

How To Make Money Online For Free

Ok, that’s just 3, there are many more on this blog. There are literally over 300 articles you could go through to increase your wealth and your mindset. Take your time, have a good look around, use a pen and pad and write down some ideas.

One things is for sure.

We are about to enter yet another new year, 2025. If you seriously want things to change, you are the one who is going to change them. I’ve been around a few years and i’ve never yet come across anyone who is better at looking after you than yourself. Sure, your partner has your interests at heart but only you can get things really moving.

It’s nice to chill out now and again but for things to really change, you need a plan followed by decisive action. Many people are stuck in a lethargic stupor, afraid to change and move forward. Life is moving forward anyway, we are either resisting or assisting, move forward each day, learn more, earn more and be more.

Once you start to create progress in your life, magic happens. OK, call me crazy but the universe really does have your back, the more you switch toward a new you, the more help you will receive from above. Trust me on this. The world loves a winner.

Have a great day.

If you have questions, drop me a line

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