Keith Everett
born to be rich

You Were Born To Be Rich: Rebecca Collins

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”

—Wayne Dyer, Motivational Speaker

Do you want to spend your life flying in cabin class, or join the other high-flyers in 1st class? It’s up to you to decide, and you have the power to achieve anything you want.

You see, we are all born with the power to bring more abundance into our lives, but most people aren’t aware of that. If you are always complaining about what you don’t have, then it’s very likely that you will never reach your goals, because your negative thoughts are creating a negative loop.

In my book, The Art of Manifesting Money, I explain all you need to know about the Law of Attraction and how the Universe will bring you abundance if you tune into it. The higher your vibrations, the more likely you are to send out the right messages and get what you want.

Here are my 5 tips on how to create an amazing abundance mindset:

TIP 1. Check your thoughts

Are you stuck in a mindset of scarcity or abundance? Do you dwell on personal insecurities or self-imposed ideas about wealth and poverty? If your thoughts are preventing you from moving forward and getting everything you truly deserve from life, spend some time sifting through them and discard any you don’t need. Take out your journal and write down the answers to these questions:

● What do you really want from life? Be specific and don’t just write, ‘to have more money’, but focus on how much, and by when.
● Do you focus on your limitations or on the opportunities out there?
● What is stopping you from achieving your dreams of getting more money?
● Do you give generously to others and celebrate their successes?
● Do you feel like a failure when something goes wrong instead of seeking solutions?

TIP 2. Reframe your thoughts

Once you have written the answers to the above, take a look at your thought patterns – are they keeping you locked in poverty and unfulfillment? If so, here’s the good news: you can change them. After all, they are your thoughts and you are in control! Think in terms of abundance and rewrite
your previous answers.

For example, if you wrote something like: I want to double my income in 6 months, change that to, ‘I WILL double my income in six months’. You have to believe that you can do it, and your positive thoughts will make it happen.

TIP 3. Be giving

When you have an abundance mindset, you will receive the joy of giving to others, being generous, kind and open-handed. You may give your time, energy, or money – all are raising those vibrations and putting you into the ‘I have more than enough to spare’ mindset. You can never lose by giving
but will feel absolutely wonderful for doing so and attract much more abundance into your life than you ever imagined. Start small, by sharing a smile or a kind word, offer to help a friend, buy a homeless person a cup of coffee or a sandwich, donate to a charity – whatever you give will come
back to you a hundredfold because that’s the universal law of attraction.

TIP 4. Be your own influencer

Instead of comparing yourself to others and feeling that you lack what they have, choose to be the most influential person in your life. Put your plans and dreams to the top of your A-list and tell yourself that you are worthy of achieving them.
To help you do this:
● Take a break from social media
● Listen to uplifting, positive, happy music
● Limit what you watch on TV to inspirational shows and movies
● Stick around up-beat, inspiring people
● Make daily affirmations to reinforce your abundance mindset

TIP 5. Express gratitude

The more gratitude you show for what you have, the more good things will come your way. This is because you are sending out positive vibrations and when you say, ‘I am grateful for having 50 bucks in my wallet’, you will attract more of that. Why? Because like attracts like, so the more thankful
you are for what you have, the more you will receive.


Imagine what it will be like to have all the money you want – feels good, right? When you visualize your goals, you are sending signals to your brain that this is your new reality. This gives you the drive and motivation you need to actually acquire them. You can create a vision board and think
about the steps you need to take to realize what is on it. A new home? A vacation? A fat bank balance? It’s all there for the taking once you get into success mode.
Start manifesting more money now!
➔ Choose the money goals you want to achieve
➔ Think of how you will achieve them
➔ Focus on your goals as often as possible
➔ Use money affirmations to inspire you
➔ Believe that you are capable of achieving your dreams
It may sound too good to be true, but if you take action to achieve your goals, it will bring you great rewards. Put it this way: if you complain about not having, how do you expect to have? Change your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance and begin to strive for what you want, because you DESERVE wealth in your life!

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