This post is dedicated to three little girls.
This past week was a tragic one here in the UK. 3 small girls aged 6,7 & 9, who were enjoying a summer Taylor Swift themed dance party were brutally murdered by a 17yr old knifeman. Several other people were also stabbed, including even more children. This has led to many incidents of protest around the country. These protests seem to be from far right agitators bent on violence and destruction.
Why, might you ask, would people riot around the country to protest at a murder, sure we’ve had murders before, but this was a particularly cruel one, after all, what sort of person murders three small girls?. But, this was not about those small girls, it was not even about the town that it happened, it was simply about the color of the 17yr old knifeman’s skin. He is British but his heritage is that of African descent.
This is the problem.
There are still a whole swathe of people living in our country, your country, in fact everywhere who still harbours this belief that they are superior to certain nationalities, color or race of people. These people are still living in the 1950’s, 1960’s etc where many people regarded being of light skin was superior to other skin colors & nationalities.
We live in modern times. We have wonderful technology, yet many people act as if we are still living in times past. They say you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, this is very true also of many people’s attitudes today. No matter how much education you give people, if they refuse to believe the content, it won’t make an iota of difference.
Some people seem to be happy, stuck in ignorance
People of color get blamed for all kinds of things. 99.9% of people who don’t look like your standard white person are both honest and trustworthy. People just want to live their lives and contribute. Many people from the ethnic community of Southport were out the next day cleaning up after the “civilised” rioters that were protesting.
Praying For Southport
The ethnic community of Southport were praying for the three murdered souls (all of whom were white) who lost their lives. Communities can and should come together no matter what color they are and work to make life better for each other.
The truth is, hatred is a reflection of a deep down troubled soul. By lashing out, smashing up communities and spreading hate, you are revealing just how little you really think of yourself.These are the same people who spout hatred on Social Media etc on a daily basis.
We should never forget, here in the UK, during WW2, people of color joined the British army and fought alongside their white colleagues. We advertised in the 1950’s for people from Jamaica to come to Britain because we had thousands of jobs that the British didn’t want to do. We also lost around 300,000 of our much needed ethnic minority due to Brexit and we currently have a 900,000 labour shortage, with not many people coming forward to fill those vacancies.
Countries thrive and exist by diversification.
So, please remember, moving into the future doesn’t mean people have become more intelligent. We are a smartphone generation who for many have lost their smarts. Social media hasn’t brought people together, for many its caused a lot of division. Populist politicians sow the seeds of hate to get votes. We’ve lost our sense of humanity and now we don’t think twice about bombing thousands of children in the so called theatre of war. WAR is murder, it’s just that “they” whoever “they” are have legalised it.
So people think it’s OK…
We must move out of this nightmare.
Solution: Stop giving people who carry knives a license to continue. They get a slap on the wrist and their knives taken away for a first offence…… This in my opinion is wrong, it sets the stage to carry and KILL. Whatever age the person carrying the knife is, if they are stopped and a knife is produced jail them. Make it an instant punishment. This will deter many from carrying them. As far as protestors are concerned, peaceful protest are OK, but any violent protests from that “group” hit them with a 2yr banning order and jail all perpetrators, or better still label the group a terrorist group.
If we are to continue to exist on this planet we need to stop killing people, stop killing the planet, hating others, and acting like we are superior over other cultures. The World need to come together and work as one. All this divisiveness is killing the planet.
All the best
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