Keith Everett

Conquering the Void: The Hidden Ingredient for Turning Struggles Into Success

Victory: achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.

Whenever you start something new, people undergo a series of mixed emotions. Trepidation, excitement, doubt, vulnerability, etc. You are stepping into the unknown and you have a choice on how to feel about it, depending on how you view yourself, and the world around you.

If you listen to the crackpots out there, they will tell you that to achieve great success at anything you have to be born gifted, come from a rich family, a criminal, or just plain old “lucky”. I’m sorry to say it but these people belong in the past and the “only” way to uplift your life is to shake yourself out of the inertia that people so often find themselves embroiled in and start making some uncomfortable decisions.

Becoming bulletproof simply means rising to any challenge that comes along, creating your own uplift in life, not blaming others and not relying on those around you. Your first mission, should you choose to accept it is to overcome the “Void”. I’ll explain what this is a little later on.

You might think of your new life, your new “thing” as an adventure, an opportunity, or you might look on it as something you have to do, don’t really want to do, but you’re going to do it anyway. However you approach your new thing, one thing always crops up without fail. The VOID.

Winning does come from adopting a winning mentality, and many people don’t know exactly what this is, some of that is actually “expecting to win”., there are other factors of course such as never giving up, but by far the toughest test other than overcoming yourself is overcoming the void.

What Is The Void?

What is the void?. It’s that uncomfortable period you endure when you start something new. It’s that period of time where nothing or very little happens. It’s that awkward time in the beginning when self-doubt starts to creep in. It could be the beginning of learning a new language, maybe learning to dance or even starting a new business. The first period (the void) can be uncomfortable, frustrating and downright painful.

So, why do we endure such a beast?

We enter the void because this is the doorway to success. It’s the stage between where you are now to where you want to be. This is the initial learning curve. Without it, we stay as we are. You can’t expect to do scary things without being a little scared yourself. It’s called the unknown for a reason.

The void is where most people give up and give in. Never to discover whether they could have made it or not. They lean toward caution and cancel the journey. Some will even start all over again next year or the year after, or do something completely different. How many things have you given up on that with time, you could have made a success?

We all do it.

Don’t give up in the void. This is a testing ground. This is where people don’t see anything worthwhile happening and mistakenly think it’s not going to happen for them.

Quitting will never bring you success. It only reinforces your habit as a quitter. It’s far better to readjust the plan than to quit. If what you’re doing isn’t working out, try a different approach. One way will eventually work. There are people out there doing what you want to do, study them and try to figure out how they got there, model that. Success always leaves clues.

You don’t just start something and see a whole lot of wins straight away, in fact it’s usually just the opposite. You try, you fail, you try, you fail, you chuck a whole load of effort, maybe cash into it and if it doesn’t respond kindly in a week, 4 weeks, 3 months, you assume it’s not going to work.

The void is tough, the void can be painful,

Nearly all success is on the back end. An athlete doesn’t give up in 3 or 6 months because they aren’t at a Gold medal standard, sometimes it takes years. The good ones keep going. We are programmed in this instant society of ours to expect everything to come to us quickly, just like Amazon Prime.

Success in anything takes time. Your school or college journey wasn’t a week, a month or a year, why would you expect to achieve other important things in a short time. People nearly always overestimate what they can do in 3 months and underestimate what they can do in a year.

How you think determines your outcome in anything. If you keep trying but give up too soon, you have yet to develop that bulletproof mentality. This means you only adjust, but never give up.


People talk a good game, but very few individuals spend every day working on their dream. Dreams will always be just that unless you take action on them.

If you are thinking of starting your own business and you would like to increase your wealth, you won’t get far with an employee mindset. You will have to change that way of thinking. Starting and succeeding in a business is tough, there are no free rides, you have to take over the reigns and give it your all.

Learn to be OK with being uncomfortable. Anything you do to achieve anything new is bound to disrupt your everyday comfortable life. Most people live in a comfort zone designed to just get by. People are living the same day, the same week, the same year even, over and over again. This is the result of the same thinking.

I’ve said it a hundred times before but “For Things To Change, You Have To Change”. Decide that what you want, you will have. Stick with the void until you succeed. Everything is on the table if you want it badly enough, people don’t fail because they can’t, they fail because they won’t.

Have a great day.

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