Of course LOVE is free. But it will still cost you. What is free that doesn’t at some stage cost money?, perhaps as long as you live on a desert island without electricity and eat coconuts every day.

We all like free stuff but it usually comes at a price…
Even freedom has the word free in it, but that also comes at a price.
No, in fact not much is free these days except the air you breathe and the word is that the government is thinking of taxing that (joke).
The best things in life are free to do at source, I agree totally, like a walk along the beach under the stars with someone you love, or maybe dancing in the rain. Free, I agree, but without the finance behind these freebies, they wouldn’t happen.
The facts are, if you try living without money you will very likely end up living on the street, and who wants that?. There is no nobility in being poor or broke, and even doing the free things can only be done if you have some kind of money…. after all, unless that beach is on your doorstep, you probably had to drive there.. and dancing in the rain?, unless you’re doing that naked I bet the clothes cost money.
The real truth is, although people still deny the importance of money, the more you have, the better you live. Food costs money, health insurance costs money, in some countries going to a doctor costs money.
Taking a break from work and going on holiday costs money, unless you camp out in the back garden for a week.
Why People Hate Millionaires
People dislike millionaires mainly for two reasons. 1. They’re jealous of anyone making what they think are “obscene” amounts of money. And 2. They think that for anyone to be making “obscene” amounts of money, someone has to lose. I’m here to tell you, this kind of thinking will also keep you broke.
Millionaires provide jobs. Not everyone works for the government. Most people work for a business of some kind. Without the rich the world would be poorer. In fact your country would be poorer. Communism isn’t much fun, and strangely enough, even communist countries like China has a lot of millionaires. There would be less jobs, less money going to charity and less money going into the economy if all the millionaires and billionaires decided to down tools and leave.
People often think that those with millions or billions should contribute more in tax as there are several legal loopholes to assist business people to avoid some of it. They probably should but if you tax them too far, they simply move their business abroad.
You don’t have to be a millionaire or a billionaire to be well off, however each and every one of us has the option to make more money if we want, and NO, you don’t have to work yourself to death to do it, but you must be prepared to improve your education. If you sweep roads or drive a bus for a living your pay rises will forever be minimal, if you are a brain surgeon, the market will pay you a lot more. you simply get the going rate (market rate) for the job that you do.
The market isn’t fair. Nurses don’t get the rates they deserve whilst you might think that footballers get too much. This however, is how the market works.
If you want to improve on this you have to be more susceptible to risk. This tends to involve working for yourself. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but the alternative is to work more hours in a job. Humans can only do so much before they collapse, working hard will only take you so far.
So, the best things in life may be free, but staying alive isn’t cheap. You still need food, a roof over your head and you have to get to work each day. This all costs. The good thing though is that you don’t have to stick to what everyone else does. Life is flexible if your thinking is.
Have a great day.
P.S Self Love is free, but you have to buy the book first 🙂
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