Keith Everett
cynical world

Breaking Free: How To Come Out On Top In A Cynical World


Cynicism: an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism.

We live in a cynical world.

Our social media feed has become a battleground. Who is right, who is wrong?. If I am right, then I must make you wrong. Politics divides us. Surely this man, this woman is standing up for my rights?. Politicians command cult-like followings, people are constantly surrounded by noise.

When I hear politicians telling everyone how bad it all is, I wonder why I would vote for them. I want to hear positive messages, not gloom and doom. I want to hear how you’re going to create a better life for people.

Unfortunately, most politicians seem to spend their time bashing the opposition.

How can people make sensible life choices when there is so much negativity coming at you from all angles. The TV news wants to remind you daily just how horrible and dangerous the world is (it isn’t). Politicians want to remind you that voting for them is the right thing to do and will make a big difference in  your life (it probably won’t).

Ask yourself a question. Who is in charge here, you or them? Will the Government (whoever is in charge, left, right centre, far right, far left) really make your life better?. Or is it up to you?

We need a bigger filter.

Filter out the Dross.

The truth is, most people think they are in control of things. They’re not.

  1. Many people are struggling. They struggle under any government.
  2. Many people hate their jobs, but they also fear changing to a better job or becoming self employed.
  3. People blind their thinking to believe that there is no hope. There is always hope.
  4. Some people are addicted to TV and other screens. SHOCKING: According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, orĀ 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube.

I’m not saying that no one should watch TV. BUT, constant TV watching, although you might say it’s entertainment is not healthy. It’s chewing gum for the eyes. Some of this TV time could be used to improve your life. Learning is one of the keys to earning more. Most people have the capability of improving their circumstances but constantly fight with inertia.

Everyone has an opinion, and there is nothing wrong with that, free speech is a good thing but it often gets confused with hate speech. We have more dictators now, causing chaos in the world by bombing others, and then they get bombed in return, which seems to be a ridiculous way to find peace. The World seems to be getting farther and farther away from having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people.

In short, people have become less caring.

Not everyone of course.

Personally, when I see people treating populist politicians like rock stars, I want to shake some sense into them. No one is above you, following a political cult is really waving goodbye to some of your power. Politicians are often caught just flat out lying. How can you believe the rest of their rhetoric? if they tell lies.

Wave Goodbye To Cynical People

Personally I have no time for cynical people. We only get one life, why spend it knocking everyone and everything. Isn’t this really an admission that you are just not happy with your own life.?. Why is that?, who’s responsible for that?.

The Quality of the World we live in, our circumstances, today, tomorrow, etc depends directly on how we believe we are doing. Nothing else matters. It’s never easy to disconnect from the  continuous buzz of the outside world, but you can switch off what and who you listen to. I personally choose to make each day a little bit better than the last by trying to be a little better each day. Small increments can lead to huge changes over time.

You don’t have to cut off friendships or family, but you should spend less time with those people who share nothing but cynicism and bad vibes and spend more time with people who inspire you. Better still, spend more time with you, alone where possible and reconnect with your inner self. Make time for you, plan and increase your life experiences to be better.

You’re not trying ot be better than anyone esle, just better than you were yesterday. This is your only competition in life, you.

Cut out the things that don’t serve you, if I’m on Facebook and I get constant politics or negativity, I unfollow whoevers sharing that stuff. Any one of us can choose to have a clean slate at any moment, we don’t have to listen to the hate, the political rhetoric, the constant moaning. Reshape your listening experiences by covering them with new learning experiences. Positive and negative thoughts can’t live in your head at the same time.

Take it one step at a time. Small increments over time can produce amazing results. Choose to stop listening to fake people. All you need is a positive attitude, a few good people around you and a finely tuned radar for bullsh*t. Switch off from the cynics, the moody ones, the drama queens (and kings). Decide to stop letting toxic people infect your brain.

You only live once. Don’t live each day on repeat. People get bored, they feel stuck and depressed if nothing changes. The thing is nothing much changes until you do. You are the master, the captain of your life, don’t let the crew tell you what to do, banish the negative and embrace the positive. The world is a good place, how you view it is a reflection of you.

Have a great day.

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