Keith Everett
age like a boss

How To Age Like A Boss

Ageing, let’s be honest, it’s a pain in the ass. But are there ways that you can slow the ageing process down and maybe, even in some cases reverse some of it altogether?

I think the answer to this is a definite yes. Let’s begin.

Quote: Will Gen Z live to be 100?

The members of Generation Z, the oldest of which are now in their 20s, on average are expected to live to 100 and beyond. Health technology may or may not eventually lift Gen Zers well past that. They could be the generation that collectively hits the biological ceiling.

My own personal view on this is living to a 100 is open to anyone, not just Generation Z, here’s why.

1: It’s never too late to adjust the way you think. In my view, this is one of the chief ways people age too early.

2: It’s never too late to adjust your lifestyle, lifestyle is responsible for more than 60% of hospital admissions, basically in a nutshell, too much alcohol, too much sugar and junk food, and too much stress. This last one can easily be avoided, but so can all the others. None of them are essential to living.

Ok, here’s a short story:

One of my past friends drove a bus for a living, he smoked heavily and he drank a lot of beer. At age 27, you could easily mistake him for someone around the age of late 40’s or early 50’s. He complained daily about his job but when I asked him why he doesn’t find something else, he replied “what else is there?”

This is the mindset of someone who has given up. his brother died at 40 of thrombosis and his dad died of a heart attack. His mom died not so long ago of a circulation problem.

I’ve spoken before about my own mom, she started to take on the persona of an old person as soon as she passed 60. In the UK, women used to be able to retire at 60 (it’s 65-67 at the moment). They used to call pensioners Old Age Pensioners OAP’s. With a label like that it’s no wonder people felt old once they started drawing a pension.

For the record, my mom died at 96. She spent 36 years of her life (nearly a third) thinking she was old. It’s not how old you are, it’s how old you think you are, or how old people label you as.

How To Age Like A Boss

NO 1. Don’t look back. Celebrate each Birthday as an achievement (because it is). Always look forward, you would be surprised just how simple it is (not easy) to make the next 10, 20 years plus far more exciting and fruitful than the last 40, or 50 years.

Don’t listen to people who talk about illness all the time. They spend a lot of time at funerals and want to give you the lowdown on proceedings. My cousin is a funeral junkie, she says she likes them. Death is part of life, I understand that, but just because you reach a certain age, you don’t have to fit in with everyone elses way of thinking. Thinking old is part of the problem.

NO 2. Make positivity your normal way of looking at the world. Have you noticed that almost all of the people who complain about politics or religion on social media tend to be people who seem to be struggling in life. This is their way of blaming others for their shitty existence.

The truth is, we all have things that go wrong. We all get problems, but we also have to take responsibility for ourselves. The world is set up to create opportunities for those who want them.

Positive people attract positive people and positive situations, including better health. Negative people not only attract the wrong people, they also attract illness. If you are always at war with the world, the stress of that will show up some time in your life as a major problem.

The NO1 time for heart attacks throughout the World is early on a Monday morning. This shows the link between stress and potential death.

NO 3. Always be creating. I’m not talking about working yourself into a heart attack, I’m talking about always having something of interest to work on, something enjoyable, something you find worthwhile. Something for YOU. Believe it or not, some work can be very relaxing. If your work is stressful, you’re in the wrong work. Why are you trying to shorten your life?

NO 4. Don’t overthink things. Instead of thinking how old your’e getting, or feeling, start thinking about how much younger you could be if you quit a few bad habits. One of those is complaining. Replace that with being grateful. If you are grateful for things, you’ll get more of them, if you’re always complaining, you’ll get more to complain about. This is how things work.


Although ageing is a physical process, it’s often accelerated by how we think and the lifestyle we lead. You can and you must extend your life by several years if you just look at what you do and ask yourself these questions:

NO 1. Is what I do every day improving my physical and mental health. Do I love what I do?. If not, why are you spending 40/50 years of a 70 or 80 year life doing something you don’t like?

NO 2. How much different would I feel each day if I repeated the things I’m truly grateful for. What if I stopped complaining and took responsibility for where I am today. All my thoughts and actions, including my decisions have led me to where I am. I’m not only responsible, I also know I could change if I want to.

Age like a boss. Don’t settle for old age, it’s overrated. Society isn’t a very good yardstick for good or the truth, create your own truth, live longer, live happy, appreciate everything and everyone (except negative people)

Have a great day


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