Books, Books, Books. The world is full of them. In fact, there is an unquenchable thirst for books. In America alone, they consumed around a billion books in 2021, an increase of 9% from the previous year. But did you know, books also contain many secrets..

And I’m not just talking about the secrets within the books themselves..
For a start, a book is one of the easiest to consume products in the world. They don’t break in the mail, they offer entertainment, they help to solve people’s problems, they help relax and destress people, they educate, they can increase a child or adult’s skillset, and can even make people very rich…
Did you know that regular reading is actually good for the mind and can actually strengthen the brain? Using MRI scans, researchers have confirmed that reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. As your reading ability matures, those networks also get stronger and more sophisticated.
A book has a lot of magic between the covers…
Name any other product that can do all that.
So how can a book solve most of a person’s problems?. Good question. Let’s look at one of the biggest problems people have. MONEY, or rather, the lack of it.
Creating books can be a very useful source of income. Nowadays you can self-publish your own books on Amazon, the world’s biggest book marketplace. You don’t have to be an Ernest Hemingway, a Jane Austen or a J.K Rowling. You just need to get started.
There are plenty of courses or good books on how to write books or how to self-publish books. If you are not a writer, you can hire a ghostwriter to write the book for you, or you can create journals, coloring books, and other low-content type books.
P.S Adult coloring books are all the rage on Amazon at the moment.
From Fiction, Non-Fiction, Self Help to Coloring books and Journals, ordinary people are making money, changing readers’ lives whilst changing their own. It’s as if the very concept of a book was designed to enrich everyone who comes into contact with it..
Think about all the books that have been published over the years and the effect they have had on people.. Think of all the knowledge imparted by books. The world learns by reading, listening, and doing.
Besides actually being a product to sell and make you money, what other problems can a book solve?
- Books contain the answers to health problems. Obviously, they won’t replace a medical practitioner but books can help people to de-stress, make better lifestyle choices and help you to stay out of the hospital.
- They can help you to change the opinion of yourself if it’s not that great. They can help you with relationship problems, with yourself and with others.
- They can also teach you a lot about money, how to save it, make it, and invest it.
At the end of the day, a book can do a lot for you. Expanding your mind, keeping your brain healthy, solving your health and relationship problems, and can even be the vehicle for your new business or part-time side hustle.
Need more information on how to self-publish your own book?. Click Here
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