Books reviews. some self-publishers would say that this is the hardest part of all when trying to get your book seen and make sales. And, they would be right.

The percentage of people who actually buy a book on Amazon and leave a review is pretty small, in fact, you can almost guarantee they will leave a review if they hated the book, but people expect a book to be worth the money anyway, so if they are satisfied, they don’t often leave a review as they only received what they expected.
Amazon Book Reviews
However, if you add a prompt in the back of your book, you are more likely to get a review. I always add this before the resource page.
Make An Author Happy Today!
I hope you found this book helpful. If you did, I would be eternally grateful if you could spend a couple of minutes writing a review on Amazon.
When you post a review, it makes a huge difference in helping more readers to find my book.
Your review would make my day
Thanking you in advance
Book Review – How To Get Book Reviews On Amazon
Of course, there are many other ways to get books reviews. I use three methods, one involves Facebook, but the other two are basically without having to contact lots of people, they are very simple.
My first method is to use a service called Pubby. This is a very simple service. It comes with a 7-day free trial and you can get reviews quite easily in your first week. It costs $29.99 a month after that but in my opinion, it is worth the price tag.
The more good reviews you get on your book, the more they tend to sell. People on pubby are avid readers. You earn “Snaps” in return for reviewing books or completing simple tasks like retweeting authors’ books. you then redeem these snaps for reviews. If you yourself are an avid reader, there is no reason at all why you can’t earn 10/20 reviews a month on your book/s.
This is another paid, but effective service. Booksirens charge you $10 to add your book and $2 a reader, whether that reader leaves a review or not. Around 70% of Booksirens readers will leave a review either on Amazon or Goodreads.
Both Pubby & Booksirens offer a good, reliable service that will get you honest reviews on your books.
Facebook tends to be a bit like Marmite (a British yeast spread), people either love it or hate it. for purposes of you wanting to get your book business off the ground and make money though, I suggest you get to love it, or at least like it.
Facebook has around 2 Billion people on it and facts are facts, many of those people read books. Why not offer them some value upfront in order to get some good reviews on your books. You can’t incentivize people to review your books, this is against Amazon’s terms and conditions. By value, I’m talking about offering them a membership to your own private Facebook group. Your Facebook group would be based on the genre of your books.
You simply offer them daily updates in the form of well-written posts, and then you form your own ARC (Advance Reader Copy) team from the members. You then offer up your book for free to your team in return for an honest review.
I personally actually publish the book first and then set the price of the kindle version to zero on Amazon for 5 days, then I send them the link to download the book. This is much better, as it then counts as a verified review which means the review will cross-pollinate across all of the Amazon sites, whereas an unverified review only sticks to the Amazon site it was reviewed on.
Book Reviews – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Don’t ask close friends and family for reviews. Especially if your family lives at the same address as your Amazon account address. Also if you have sent products to friends in the past from your Amazon account, don’t ask these friends for a review.
Don’t Review Swap. If you know authors who publish on Amazon, don’t ask for a review if you’ve reviewed their books in the past. This is known as an incentivized review as it’s a like for a like review.
Don’t Pay for reviews or incentivize others to do a review. This is a no-no and totally against Amazon’s terms of service.
Do give your book out for free in order to get an honest review. But make sure the person you give it to is either a Facebook friend or someone you may just know via the internet.
Do ask for reviews. I know for many people this might be hard, but get used to it. Some people love to read books, some just want to help you out. Others will just not bother, this is all part of the process, don’t worry about it. Don’t forget to ask your Facebook friends, send them a message, but don’t spam them, ask them to join your Facebook group first.
And Finally
I hope you have found some new and interesting ways to get book reviews. Getting as many book reviews is very important, especially in the first 30 Days of releasing your book on Amazon. The Amazon algorithm looks for movement on your book, reviews, clicks and sales, and is busy deciding how to rank your book in the early days.
Getting more reviews early on shows Amazon that your book could be a potential winner for them so they are more likely to show it to buyers typing in the keywords in your title. All in all, the more you promote your book, the better.
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