Keith Everett
life lesson quotes

7 Crazy Life Lessons You Might Wish You’d Known Earlier


The World is a strange place. On the surface of it it all looks very simple, however, it’s below the surface where most people never look. All of the following home truths are based on my own experiences.

Truth 1. Accepting things from others.

By you not accepting a compliment or favor from someone, you can actually do more harm than good. When someone offers you a compliment, don’t reduce it to nothing “oh, this old thing”. Take the compliment in the spirit it was given and make the person who gave it feel good too.

Are you always a person who helps others but won’t accept help from other people?. The act of accepting not only helps you, it helps the giver too. Accepting and learning to accept not only makes the person offering you help to feel good, but you will get more of it, the more you accept. This is Universal truth. 

Truth 2. Picking Up A Penny.

You may not think that the simple act of stepping over a humble penny could have any place in inhibiting the flow of money to you, but it can. Millionaires know about this simple truth. Stuart Wilde, from his book “The Trick To Money is Having Some” tells of himself escorting some well to do guests around London in his Rolls Royce in the rain, when they get out to cross the road, Stuart spots a penny in the road and rather sheepishly tries to pick it up to the amusement of his well-heeled guests. Although Stuart has since passed, he had amassed many millions in his lifetime, simply by attracting money and not blocking it.

There are many money blocks people unwittingly do on a regular basis (Truth 1 for example). This is just one of them. Whenever you spot money (any money) discarded, always pick it up regardless of value, your message to the universe is “Yes Please” send more..

Truth 3. Life Will Never Be Fair. 

Maybe a lot of people already know this but protesting about unfairness won’t aid your standing in the World in the long term. People spend far too much time protesting about things that rarely change whereas they could actually be spending that time rising above the mire and improving their own life.

I’m not talking about protests that can actually make a positive improvement to the World. I’m talking about all the minutiae that goes around on Social Media, usually about politics.

Let me explain. If you ask a person who works 40 or 50 hours a week if they have time to run a part time business, many will say no. However, many people find the time to argue with strangers on the Internet. If you go onto some of the more busy political threads on Twitter, you will see the same people come back time after time, spending hours a week arguing.

Not only is arguing bad for the soul, it causes stress to the body and attracts more things to argue about.

If your very wealth, health and future is some way dependant or heavily affected on the words and deeds of a political party or populist politician, your sh*t is broken. Many promise, very few deliver and if they do it usually takes months if not years to see any real change. People create a better existence by becoming better, not by listening to the rhetoric of politicians.

Life isn’t fair, good people die and bad people sometimes seem to have it all. It’s not for us to spend time working out why, it’s for us to ensure we live life as best we can, experience as many good things along the way and help improve the lives of those around us.

Truth 4. The wrong way to start a business.

People often view starting a business as a short cut to wealth. It’s not a short cut, it’s a slog. 90% of success is on the back-end. This “back-end” is the part that most people never reach because they give up too soo. People often overestimate what should happen in 3 months but underestimate what could happen in a year or two.

The biggest piece of the puzzle often missed when starting a business is to approach it in the right way right from the start.

  1. Not everything will work out, learn from the mistakes and move on
  2. Starting a business and making it work takes time and capital.
  3. Be prepared for a dramatic shake-up and reshuffle of your current life, especially in the first years.
  4. In the end, 20% of what you do will yield 80% of your results. Learn to live with disappointment, but do more of what works.

Creating a successful business is a long-term strategy. Not a short cut.

Truth 5. People want what they can’t have.

I know this might sound a bit obvious but it also applies to how people interact with others. Are you someone who always makes themselves available to others?. Are you always at people’s beck and call?. Do you always answer the phone straight away or reply to messages immediately?.

By always being available, you create a value in yourself of less than it could be. People inadvertently see each person in a different light. Those who have created an “Aura” of value around themselves tend to be confident, have traits about themselves that people desire and smack of “high value”. This tends to lead to those individuals getting what they want from life and others look on in envy. Rewind back to people who are always available and let people treat them as they wish, this leads to people taking advantage and thinking that they will always be there (for them).

The world is full of walking doormats…

Treat people well, but train others to treat you well. You do this by being more sparing with your time and creating an air of value around yourself. Do this by being more selective with who you see and how you spend your time. Boys and girls at school always wanted the boys and girls that were not available, it’s a psychological truth that scarcity creates desire.

Being slightly aloof at times is not a bad thing, why be an open book when you can be a mystery?

Truth 6. Most people don’t get what they want, BECAUSE… 

They spend too much time doing other things. You might think this is obvious but this doesn’t seem to register with everyone. Many people live their life like a circle. Every day is a near copy of the previous day. Whatever has to be done is expanded into the available time. “Life gets in the way” is a common theme when you ask someone why they have not achieved their dream. However, your dreams are part of life, they are not supposed to be relegated to some day, the time can be found, but often or not people fill that time with things that don’t bring them nearer to that dream.

Mindless TV shows spring to mind. Most TV is just chewing gum for the eyes. You become a receiver for other people’s messages through a big screen. Screens are addictive, we carry one around all day and then watch an even bigger one in the evening.

What I tell you here might sound controversial but don’t ignore it because you don’t like it, ignore it if you must because you think it doesn’t apply to you. What we want, what we really, really want (spice girls), we get if we must have it. What we should have often gets shuffled to the back of the pack and what we wish we could have doesn’t usually ever see daylight.

You get what you must have.

I’ve studied human behaviour for over 40 years and when I’ve seen people determined to do something, they usually do it if not doing it isn’t an option. However, a large part of the population don’t see the urgency in things and tend to put a lot of stuff off until it becomes a distant thought. The novelty wears off and it doesn’t get done. Some people are experts at giving things a “go” but never completing them.

There is only one way to get everything you want.

  1. Start with one thing
  2. Create a workable plan
  3. Don’t deviate from the goal, adjust the strategy if necessary
  4. Keep working the plan till you succeed.

You can’t really fail if you apply the above.

Truth 7. The Power Of Letting Go

I know for a lot of people, the aim is to accumulate as much as you can, and this seems reasonable, after all we only get one life, right?. Believe it or not, the real power comes from actually letting go. If you come across a cluttered house, a cluttered garage, the chances are, the owner of that house also has a cluttered headspace. Whilst you have a house full of clutter and a mind to match, it’s often hard to think clearly, let alone find anything around the house.

We seem to live in a world where we accumulate stuff, but often forget about the stuff that really matters. Memories are more valuable than the junk on your driveway or garage. Most of the “stuff” we accumulate could be sold off and used for something useful like travel for instance.

Also, whilst we are on the subject of letting go, what about the junk we keep in our heads. Many people start their day living in the past. fixated on all the things that went wrong. The past is just a ghost, it’s gone. You can’t change the past, all you can do is not let it affect your future. Many people are stuck in the past and can’t let it go. The weight of playing past mistakes over and over can really stop you moving forward. Let it all go. Free up the junk in your mind (and your house), start living in the here and now.

We honestly don’t need much to make us happy. Good health, a roof over our heads, food and good relationships to name a few. Although the thought of getting rich can be quite inspiring, we don’t have to have huge sums of money to be happy. Happiness often starts with letting go of stuff and being grateful for what we do have. The more you appreciate things, the more you will have.

I hope you’ve found these 7 truths useful and inspiring. If you did, please do leave a comment below and share the post on your social media.



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