Keith Everett
life changing questions

17 Life Changing Questions You Might Want To Ask Yourself Before It’s Too Late

Not all of these questions will apply to you. And some may be very difficult to answer. Please do be honest with your answers as it’s nearly always a good thing to open up and re-think any strategy that isn’t currently working out.

Q1. Where will I be in 5 years time, and is that OK?

Q2. If today was my last day on this earth, would I have left this planet a better place than when I came in?

Q3. Do I add value to people’s lives?

Q4. Is what I do everyday just an act of surviving, or is it adding to my overall life-goals?

Q5. Are there people in my life that I should have stayed in touch with?

Q6. Would I choose me as a role-model?

Q7. If I had my life again, would I walk the same path?

Q8. Is my outlook on life positive or negative? Do I influence people in a good way or do I pile my troubles on to others?

Q9. Am I cynical of anything new, or do I welcome new opportunities?

Q10. Am I financially astute or do I waste money?

Q11. Do I respect successful people or do I find myself envying them?

Q12. Am I holding myself back in life. Could I do more, but I lack confidence in my ability, I worry that I won’t be good enough?

Q13. Do I always overcomplicate everything?

Q14. Do I find myself saying “No” a lot more than I say “Yes”?

Q15. What is my “Why” in life?.

Q16. Do I believe in Reinvention?. If so, what’s stopping me from reinventing myself?.

Q17. Did I learn anything about myself from these questions?

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