Keith Everett

The Incredible Story Of How A Woman Turned Her Last $5 Into A $10,000,000 Business

The story of Mignon Francois is not just one of huge business success, but also of resilience, faith, and the power of a determined spirit. This inspiring tale demonstrates how a single mother with limited resources transformed her life and built a multi-million dollar business from the ground up.

Mignon Francois, the founder and CEO of The Cupcake Collection, turned $5 into a $10 million cupcake business, and her journey offers valuable lessons in perseverance and entrepreneurship.

Humble Beginnings

Mignon Francois’s journey first began in 2008, a time when she faced significant financial hardships. Living in Nashville, Tennessee, Mignon was a single mother of six children, struggling to make ends meet. She often found herself choosing between paying for utilities or putting food on the table. Despite these challenges, she maintained a positive outlook and was determined to provide a better future for her family.

One day, Mignon heard a segment on the radio about baking and selling cupcakes. Inspired by this idea, she decided to take a leap of faith and start her own cupcake business. With no formal training in baking and only $5 to her name, she faced an uphill battle. However, Mignon believed that she could turn her small investment into something much greater.

The First Batch of Cupcakes

Mignon’s initial investment was used to buy ingredients to bake her first batch of cupcakes. With just enough money to buy some basic supplies, she baked her cupcakes in her home kitchen. She used her creativity and resourcefulness to make do with what she had, turning ordinary ingredients into delicious treats.

When she had finished baking, Mignon walked around her neighborhood, knocking on doors and offering her cupcakes for sale. She sold her first batch and reinvested the money she made into buying more ingredients. This process was repeated over and over, with Mignon baking and selling cupcakes daily. Her dedication and hard work slowly started to pay off as word spread about her delicious cupcakes.

Building The Cupcake Collection

As demand for her cupcakes grew, Mignon decided to take her business to the next level. She rented a small space in the Germantown neighborhood of Nashville and officially opened The Cupcake Collection. Her storefront was modest, but it was a significant step up from baking in her home kitchen.

Mignon’s cupcakes quickly gained popularity due to their homemade taste and high-quality ingredients. She focused on creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in her bakery, which helped attract a loyal customer base. Mignon’s personal story of struggle and determination resonated with many people, further boosting her business’s reputation.

Overcoming Challenges

Mignon’s path to success was not without obstacles. She faced numerous challenges, including securing funding for her business and competing with established bakeries. However, she never let these difficulties deter her. Mignon continued to work tirelessly, often putting in long hours to ensure her business’s success.

One of the key factors in Mignon’s success was her commitment to her community. She made it a priority to give back, whether through charitable donations or by providing jobs to local residents. This community-focused approach helped build strong relationships and fostered a sense of loyalty among her customers.

Achieving Milestones

Over the years, The Cupcake Collection has achieved several significant milestones. Mignon’s cupcakes have won numerous awards and accolades, including being named the best cupcakes in Nashville by several local publications. Her business has expanded beyond Nashville, with additional locations opening in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In 2018, The Cupcake Collection celebrated its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of success and growth. Mignon’s story has been featured in various media outlets, including major television networks and newspapers, bringing national attention to her incredible journey.

Lessons from Mignon’s Story

Mignon Francois’s story offers several important lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. Believe in Yourself: Mignon’s unwavering belief in her ability to succeed was a crucial factor in her success. Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained confident in her vision and worked tirelessly to achieve it.
  2. Start Small, Think Big: Mignon started with just $5, but she always had big dreams for her business. By taking small, incremental steps, she was able to turn her modest investment into a thriving multi-million dollar enterprise.
  3. Persistence Pays Off: Mignon’s journey was filled with obstacles, but she never gave up. Her persistence and determination allowed her to overcome challenges and build a successful business.
  4. Community Matters: Mignon’s commitment to her community played a significant role in her success. By giving back and fostering strong relationships, she built a loyal customer base that supported her business.
  5. Adapt and Innovate: Mignon’s ability to adapt and innovate was key to her success. She continually refined her recipes and business practices to meet the needs of her customers and stay ahead of the competition.
  6. Stay True to Your Values: Throughout her journey, Mignon stayed true to her values of hard work, integrity, and generosity. These principles guided her decisions and helped build a business that reflected her personal values.
  7. Inspire and Be Inspired: Mignon’s story has inspired countless people to pursue their own dreams. By sharing her journey, she has shown that it is possible to achieve great things, even in the face of adversity.


Mignon Francois’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and hard work. From her humble beginnings with just $5, she built The Cupcake Collection into a $10 million business, inspiring others along the way. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that with determination and a positive mindset, it is possible to overcome any obstacle and achieve your dreams. Mignon continues to inspire and empower others, proving that the sweetest success often comes from the simplest beginnings.

Have a great day….


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