Keith Everett

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the weirdness of lies

The Weirdness of Lies

This blog post has absolutely nothing to do with Chapter 8 “The Weirdness of Lies” in my book “Money Mind Crush“. If it did, I would have to sue myself for copyright infringement. In this post, I...

how ot double your productivity

How To Double Your Productivity

How to double your productivity. Time is money. What if you could make more use of the time you have?. Wouldn’t you make more money?. Since I started digital marketing I’ve seen a lot of online marketers...

hands of god

The Day I Met God In My Car

Well, actually it was his hands. But, I digress. It was a cold dark night around thirty years ago now. I had been working continuously for several days with very little sleep. I hadn’t seen my then-girlfriend for...