Keith Everett
ways to make money

7 Ways To Make More Money In 2022

Let’s be honest, we could all do with ways to make more money. The trouble is, working for a fixed hourly rate won’t make anyone rich. A job (for most people) means JUST OVER BROKE. There is very little hard cash to spare once all the bills have been paid.

But, as with anything, you don’t have to just earn money from a J.O.B. Opportunities to earn more are available to everyone. you don’t have to quit your job in order to elevate your lifestyle.

Here are 7 tried and tested ways to make money in your spare time in 2022. Most can be started with little or no money, but all will require some effort.

Network Marketing.

This is one of the oldest ways of making money as a home business. In its early form, it was implemented in 1928 with a company called Kleeneze, later to be modernized in 1945 by Carl Rehnborg to help boost the sales of Nutrilite, a supplements company.

In the 1950’s Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andel really popularised Network Marketing with their company Amway, which is still going to this day. Network Marketing has often been called a pyramid scheme or a scam, in reality, it is neither as it is just a vehicle to market products, how the company operates is what makes ANY company a scam, not just in Network Marketing.

Many good Network Marketing companies exist today and some have made people very wealthy. It does require work and you need to be social savvy, not a wallflower, but the rewards can be very good if you work hard at it.


This can be very lucrative if done correctly. You can create books yourself or get them ghostwritten. I do a combination of both. I would suggest doing nonfiction books. Create books that help others with their problems.

Buying books is not going to go out of fashion in the short term and with platforms like Amazon, you can get eyeballs on your books fairly easily. You do have to market your books too, but using amazon ads can help you with that.

I create books on Kindle, Paperback, Hardback, and Audible. If you love residual income, you’ll love this business.

Print On Demand.

Every time I mention this business I get excited as if I were not concentrating 100% on the self-publishing business, this is the business I would be doing.

Simply put, you create designs (or get them done for you on Fiverr) and have them put onto Mugs, T-Shirts, Smartphone Cases, etc, etc. You do none of the printing or delivery, you simply get the orders. The Print On-demand Company supplies the mugs, t-shirts, etc and prints your designs on them, they then get them delivered to your customer.

It’s a simple business that you can advertise on platforms like Etsy & eBay or on your own website.

Affiliate Marketing

This probably has one of the lowest entry costs of all. You are selling other people’s products on commission. If you have a blog, you can integrate related products within your posts. If the reader clicks on the link and buys the product, you get a commission.

The product creator deals with support issues and delivery. This can be a very lucrative business, however, you do need to know how to get traffic to your affiliate links.

When people go into the affiliate marketing business, failure is usually caused, not by the business model itself but by lack of traffic. People don’t come to you, you have to go out and get the traffic.

Selling On eBay

Imagine if you had been one of the people selling facemasks at the start of the pandemic. People who sell products matching the current wants and needs can make big bucks on eBay. I did this full time for four years 2004-2008 and made a very nice living from it selling Diet Pills.

Think of what is currently in demand, find a supplier whereby you can make a decent profit (Diet Pills made 100%+), and start selling on eBay. Do you have a skill?,can you make unique products from home?. eBay (& Etsy) are ideal platforms to sell on.

Gig Broker

This has been doing the rounds for a few years now but it still works as well today as it ever did. Basically, you find a service that you can sell. NOTE: You are not going to do the work itself.

Let’s say you choose to design book covers (this can be very lucrative). You find a tried and tested seller on Fiver to create covers for between $10 & $25. This is quite easy to do as there are hundreds of sellers on fiver offering this service.

You then advertise this service on Upwork. Prices on Upwork vary, but you can get between $50 and $75 for a decent book cover. Taking into account Upwork’s commission on the sale, you can make between $35 & $50 profit per book cover [More Details Here]

Of course, you can sell multiple services this way. There is nothing wrong or immoral doing business this way, you are simply buying a service at a wholesale price and selling the service at a retail price. The margin in-between is your profit.

YouTube Influencer

Many people think this is out of their reach, but to be honest, it’s much nearer than you think. When we talk about YouTube influencers making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year (even millions), we think of loud, shouty people who create hundreds of videos and travel the world making hundreds of videos.

STOP. There are YouTube influencers who make thousands just unboxing products. Product creators love their products to be shown to thousands of people. They give the products to the influencer to show them in their videos.

Everyone has to start somewhere and no one starts with a huge audience. You can be an influencer by just going online and creating useful videos that teach people useful things. In the self-publishing space, we have top guys and women teaching others how to self-publish books. They endorse other products through links underneath and in the videos themselves.

If you have enough subscribers, you can also earn via ads on your videos. To become an influencer you just need to get your face out there and create some value. This can be in the form of useful information or straightforward entertainment. Either way, you can make a lot of residual income this way.

I hope you have found this post useful. If you did, please do leave a comment below and share the post.

Have a great day


P.S For more ideas on how to make money, why not get your FREE copy of “Money Mind Crush”, available here for a limited time..